Ballance Agri-Nutrients - Wheel Wash System - Awarua NZ


Ballance Awarua constructed this new truck underbody and wheel wash system in their dispatch yard to wash vehicles prior to leaving the site. This will reduce the tracking of fertiliser onto Bluff Highway. 

Primary Features:

  • 84 carefully directed brass nozzles to wheel and under body areas.
  • Approx 1285 litres per minute of water.
  • 5-bar pressure.
  • Intensive washing of all surfaces of the wheels and underside.
  • Design, fabrication and installation of entry and exit steel rumble grids
  • Design, fabrication, installation and commissioning of a pre-wash unit.  
  • Fabrication, installation and commissioning of a warrior wheel and underbody truck wash unit.

Entry & Exit Wash Down Features:

  • Entry and Exit Steel Rumble Grids
  • Entry Pre wash manifold with 8 wash down nozzles


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